One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.
— André Gide


These engagements offer powerful tools to raise your effectiveness at work and in life.

No one wants to be stuck with a coach they don’t like.

So, drop me a line and you can decide if I’m the right fit for your business or life.

We’ll dive into the challenges pressing on the forefront of your mind and see if we vibe while giving you some tools to take your first steps.

Sometimes you just need a safe space to unpack, clear your mind, and grow.

1-to-1 sessions offer a confidential space to Rescue Your Dreams™ so that you can live and lead at full choice.


Paul Gibbons said, “We often focus on the words of change more than the rituals and/or behaviors that make the change. It is easy to create value statements, but much harder to line up behaviors to live them out.”

And that’s because it takes courage for leaders to go from where they are to where they want to be. It requires standing in the arena of life and leading from the inside out with authenticity and vulnerability. And it’s there where leaders find the strength to shine.

This training will clarify what leadership is, what qualities are most admired, and how to activate the power of 360° Leadership to fuel the journey from where you are, to where you want to be.

Did you know people have different communication styles? That they have a preferred focus and energy to how they show up? Your team, your family, and even your friends make up of these different styles. And what you don’t know about them may be holding you back from vibing.

In this first course each member of your crew will be given a personalized DISC assessment to better understand how they communicate and how they can better communicate with others.  And let’s face it, if you want something from someone else, you have to learn to speak their language.

Developed by Wiley with Patrick Lencioni, The Five Behaviors® empowers teams to rethink their approach to teamwork and shape new behaviors—taking your teams and organization to the next level.

The Five Behaviors combines the framework of Patrick Lencioni’s model for teamwork with personalized insights to create powerful, customized, and authentic team development solutions that empower individuals to make lasting change.

With a focus on: TRUST - CONFLICT - COMMITMENT - ACCOUNTABILITY - RESULTS the Five Behaviors team assessment will not only help you be a better teammate, but will galvanize your teams to tackle any storm.

IQ gets a lot of hype. But no matter how smart someone is intellectually, it can’t match the effectiveness of someone with high EQ (Emotional Intelligence). In fact 70% of people with average EQ out perform those with high IQ. Why? Because of their emotional intelligence.

Your thoughts and feelings are the building blocks of behavior. What could change today if you knew why you behave the way you do? And what insight could be gained by what drives the emotions of others?

This course comes with a personalized EQ assessment for each member of your team that will not only provide them valuable insight, but elevate the way they approach every situation.

We all have unhealthy behaviors. But what if you could turn that bad mojo into healthy habits that cause you to become more resilient when facing challenges?

Because challenges are an integral part of leadership.

This course will help you discover true grit. Even when you fall down. Even when you screw up. Even when progress toward your goal is halting or slow. You will hold passionately to that vision so much that it organizes and gives meaning to almost everything you do.

How’s that for perseverance?

What conversations are you not having that you should be having?

Fear is a horrible driving partner and keeps us from heading down the best roads that allow everyone to move forward. By breaking down how to create safe conditions for difficult conversations, this course will allow you to embrace conflict as an opportunity for trust, and show you how to pick up the powerful tool of understanding in order to keep your team and relationships aligned.

Public speaking is the #1 fear of Americans, affecting over 75% of the population. And as scary as it might seem, it’s also an incredible opportunity to increase your communication skills, boost your confidence, and raise your effectiveness as a leader.

The Presenting With Confidence workshop breaks down the perceived nightmare of having to speak in front of your colleagues or a room full of strangers. I’ll give you the tools and insight needed to tell a powerful story in order to target any audience and hit your mark. Which means whether you’re a seasoned presenter, or a novice, you’ll have more arrows in your quiver to draw from.

So, take the stage. It’s time to shoot your shot.

If you want something from someone else, you have to learn to speak their language. And, if that’s the case, you just found yourself in a negotiation.

Building off the knowledge of my other trainings (DiSC, EQi, Resiliency, and Courageous Conversations) the Negotiating Leadership workshop deals you a royal flush of best practices when trying to reach an agreement.

You’ll learn the power of persuasion, revealing the rules of engagement, and how empathy can give you a winning hand when stakes are high.

And I’m not bluffing.

Ignite sessions are a rare opportunity to step away from the day-to-day agenda that keeps us from meaningful connections with our team.

Ignite is designed to kindle an environment where deeper conversations allow us to drop our armor and self-reflect on who we are and how we lead.

These guided get-togethers set alight a new practice to see others with a better appreciation for who they are and what they uniquely bring to the table.

It’s impossible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. Because that immaturity will permeate your faith, and lead to self-defeating behaviors that rob you of your purpose.

Being emotionally healthy allows us to mature in our faith.  And it helps us go deep beneath the surface of change where we can embrace radical transformation.

 And deeply changed people have a more powerful impact on the world and a greater sense of purpose.

 So, get ready to unleash an emotional and spiritual revolution in all areas of your life, transforming your relationships, strengthening your faith, and raising your effectiveness.


There's something powerful about the energy exchanged between a speaker and a room full of individuals poised and ready to change their lives.

Whether you want to energize your team, empower your students, or captivate your audience, my customized speaking engagement will create positive and powerful momentum to move your audience to action.

Engagements can be done in person or through Zoom. Contact me to see which works best for you.