The Long Game

Have you ever wanted something so badly, so deeply that you felt it with every fiber of your being, and you swore you’d do whatever it took to get it?

That is, of course, until the climb got steeper, the obstacles grew tougher, and the glitter of something easier caught your eye. Maybe you told yourself, this is good enough, even though deep down, you knew it wasn’t.

In the last newsletter, we talked about becoming resolute—about standing firm when the storms hit. But staying resolute requires more than determination in the moment; it requires vision for the long game.

Why Do We Get Distracted by the Short Game?

Life is full of “shiny objects” disguised as opportunities.

These distractions appeal to our impulses and impatience. They offer quick wins, a promise to ease our discomfort, or even an excuse to give up. They often feel rewarding in the moment because we fool ourselves into thinking this is the sign we’ve been looking for, or even that we’ve arrived. But ultimately, these shiny things pull us further away from what truly matters.

I get it—I can get distracted too because those moments can feel so rewarding. But the challenge lies in recognizing what’s essential to our long game, versus what’s simply convenient or tempting.

To build the life you want, you need to guard your focus fiercely.

Because if it’s not a step toward what you deeply want, it’s a distraction. And those distractions make the long game even longer.

Long Game Goals vs. Short Game Distractions

Personal Goal:

  • Long Game:

    Wanting to be stronger, more flexible, and more in shape than ever before.

    You commit to consistent exercise, improving your diet, and getting more rest. You know it’ll take months to see noticeable results and maybe even longer for meaningful change, but you stay the course.

    You get up early, go for walks, build up to runs, hit the gym, and practice portion control even when the second serving calls your name.

    And one day you look in the mirror and smile. Knowing all your hard work has paid off and will continue to reward you through your new lifestyle of fitness.

  • Short Game:

    Jumping on crash diets or trendy workouts that promise fast results but offer no sustainability.

    You might lose a few pounds quickly, but the yo-yo effect sets in because the quick fix wasn’t built to last.

    You trade long-term vitality for temporary validation.

Professional Goal:

  • Long Game:

    Building a career that aligns with your values and passions.

    You take roles that stretch your skills, say no to work that doesn’t align with your vision, and invest time in learning.

    You know this might mean turning down certain better paying offers or delaying gratification, but every step is a deliberate move toward your dream.

    Ultimately, your perseverance pays off when a recruiter notices your experience and reaches out with an opportunity to work at your dream job.

  • Short Game:

    Taking a promotion at a job you know isn’t right for you because it comes with a title bump or more money.

    It feels good at first—like recognition does—but soon you realize the role pulls you further from your ultimate goals.

    You’ve moved up, but not in the right direction.

Relational Goal:

  • Long Game:

    Seeking a relationship rooted in trust, laughter, and depth.

    You make your intentions clear to anyone who shows interest, taking it slow and holding firm to your values—even walking away from relationships that don’t align.

    Then one day, after the patience and effort, the right person is there at the right time. You’re ready to build something lasting because you’ve done the work to create a strong foundation.

  • Short Game:

    Settling for relationships that feel “good enough” because they’re convenient or comfortable.

    You ignore the nagging feeling that something’s missing, convincing yourself it’s better than being alone.

    Over time, you realize the connection isn’t fulfilling, and it’s unintentionally taken you further away from the deeper relationship you truly want.

What If You’re Not Getting Anywhere?

At some point, the long game will test you. You’ll wonder if the work is paying off, if progress is even happening, and if it’s worth the wait.

It’s the nagging question: Am I getting anywhere?

It’s a great question that is often answered by how we feel in the moment—no.

It’s too hard.

It’s not going fast enough.

I’ve been doing this too long.

I can’t see any signs of this happening.

I should quit.

And that’s the end of that.

It’s like the miner who spent years digging through rock in search of gold. Day after day, he chipped away, but every swing of the pickaxe left him feeling exhausted, more frustrated, and hopeless.

Finally, he gave up, convinced the treasure was out of reach.

What he didn’t know was that he was inches—just inches—from striking the vein when he walked away.

The lesson? The most significant breakthroughs often happen just beyond the point where you’re ready to quit. Progress isn’t always visible, but it’s always building.

So now what?

Play the Long Game.

The long game asks for your grit—passion and perseverance for your long-term goals. Grit is not talent, luck, or even how intensely for the moment you want something.

Grit challenges you to stay the course, to take one more step even when you doubt, even when you’re tired, and even when the goal feels distant.

Grit is the long game.

Are your daily actions moving you closer to what you deeply want, or are they pulling you into the short game?

Remember, the life you want isn’t always a distant dream. It’s built one choice, one step, one act of persistence at a time.

Keep going. You might be closer than you think.

* * * *

Check out my new audio series, Rescue Your Dreams® A Podcast to Save the Life You Forgot You Wanted and learn how some of the best practitioners of mindfulness, intentionality, and development discover their true selves.

Listen on Spotify

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While you’re there, be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss the next one.

If you’re interested in taking your life to the next level, you can schedule a free consultation call with me to see if personal coaching would help you Rescue Your Dreams® so you can transform your reality.

Click HERE for my Calendly link! 

Ever upward!


Will this end in February?