Will this end in February?
Happy New Year!
Well actually, early Happy New Year.
We still have two days to end 2024 on a high note.
Personally, 2024 was quite challenging for me. Heavy lessons to learn, scary trials to endure, and the sometimes-intolerable pain of mentally, emotionally, relationally, spiritually, and basically all the “Ees” of growing.
But ultimately (see what I did there?), all good things that have made me stronger and added clarity to my life. Even if some of the challenges still endure.
The crazy thing is, I remember making a resolution that the weight I was carrying by the end of 2023—yeah, last year—wouldn’t dare spill over into this year.
Boy was I wrong.
Honestly, it just got heavier.
Now I know I’m being vague, because over-sharing is a real thing. And I have spaces in my life where I can safely unpack these challenges and have a good cry without having a vulnerability hangover.
But I share this with you to say that I know I’m not alone in the struggles. According to many of you who have opened up to me, 2024 has been quite challenging for you too. More than anything you had prepared for.
And when that happens something incredibly important in us is tested:
Our resolve.
What’s Resolve and Why Does It Sound Like Resolution?
Good question.
A resolution is a decision—a declaration of what you want to change or accomplish. It’s the starting line. And for many, it’s a very exciting place to be because it feels like you’re in the race.
But, you actually haven’t started running yet.
Resolve is when you actually start running. And keep running in spite of the hurdles and how far everyone else seems to be pulling away from you.
And this is where most people get a sobering realization of how bad they really want it … which is not wanting it that badly after all.
Studies show that 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February.
Why? Because a resolution is just a decision. A wish.
But change doesn’t come from wishing. It comes from doing. And most people don’t want to keep doing the work necessary to make their dreams, their wish, come true.
See, resolve is your ability to keep at it with the same firm determination you started with—because the race is that important to you.
And when you practice resolve consistently, you’ll notice something powerful.
You start to become resolute—steadfast, focused, and stronger with every step you take.
How to Be More Resolute in 2025
Listen, no matter how stoked you are for your resolutions, even the best plans, the strongest intentions, and the clearest goals can’t protect us from the unexpected.
Storms are just a part of life.
But here’s the good news: you don’t need perfect plans or ideal conditions to become resolute.
What you need is a willingness to show up every day and stand in the storm without an umbrella—especially on the days when the downpour feels unrelenting.
Because resolve isn’t something you just have. It’s something you build, one step at a time.
Two Questions to Build Your Resolve
So, if you want to become more resolute in 2025, ask yourself two important questions:
What are you willing to do to get what you want?
This is about the things you choose to go through, knowing overcoming the obstacles is worth the payoff.Maybe it’s waking up an hour earlier to write, even when the bed feels too good to leave.
Maybe it’s making one uncomfortable phone call that opens a door you’ve been avoiding.
Maybe it’s getting out of a toxic social circle and making room for new friends.
The path is yours to create. What steps are you willing to take to walk it?What are you willing to go through to get what you want?
This is about the things that you don’t choose, they’re out of your control, but they’re coming to test your resilience.
Because no matter how carefully you plan, storms will come.
The road will get messy. You might fail. You might doubt. People may disappoint you.But this question prepares you to face the unexpected with strength.
So, when the storms come, are you willing to keep moving forward?
The only way to answer, “Yes” is to have a goal, a resolution, so compelling and meaningful, that nothing will stand in your way of achieving it.
Everything less than that is expendable.
I Dare You.
Now, about those New Year’s resolutions.
If you’re planning to make them—and let’s be honest, most of us are—don’t stop at goals like eating healthier, saving money, or starting that passion project.
Add this to your list: Become more resolute.
Because when you’re resolute, the goals you set become more than wishes. They become commitments.
So now what?
You’ve got two days left in 2024. That’s two days to reflect on what this year taught you—and decide how you’ll step into 2025.
By the end of 2025, you might just look back and realize you’ve grown into someone who stays in the race.
Someone who keeps moving forward.
Someone who’s resolute.
Someone who makes it beyond February.
P. S. - If 2024 was a doozy for you too and you feel like sharing, respond to this email or DM me on Instagram @adammock.lcs.
I promise not to share your secrets.
* * * *
Check out my new audio series, Rescue Your Dreams® A Podcast to Save the Life You Forgot You Wanted and learn how some of the best practitioners of mindfulness, intentionality, and development discover their true selves.
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If you’re interested in taking your life to the next level, you can schedule a free consultation call with me to see if personal coaching would help you Rescue Your Dreams® so you can transform your reality.
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Ever upward!