It’s time to deal with your stinking thinking.
Challenges, setbacks, insecurities, and unmet needs are the clutter that can create a lot of garbage in your mind.
Add to that pile the expectations other people have of you that you try to live up to, but often feel like you’re failing at.
And on top of that, the heavy weight of comparison you have whenever you open the socials and start doom scrolling through all the highlight reels of everyone else’s life who seemingly has their shit together.
All of this can leave you overflowing with head trash.
Head trash is the negative stories you tell yourself. It’s the excuses and limiting thoughts that keep you buried in unending rumination about who you’re supposed to be but aren’t.
Now your limiting thoughts are most likely a habit. Which means you’ve trained yourself to focus on what’s not possible. Which makes it very difficult to see clearly. You may have even been taught that taking risks, striving, and changing who you are is too painful or even embarrassing if it doesn’t work out.
But some of that head trash can be repurposed into something better. Meaning, if you can consistently change the negative stories into hopeful possibilities, you may just find enough light to illuminate the way forward.
So, let’s look at some common head trash and repurpose it into something useful.
Head Trash:
I’m too scared.
My fear is NOT a measure of my capability.
The trash from this stinking thinking doesn’t come from the challenging emotion of fear. It comes from our interpretation of what the feeling means.
Many times, our culture perpetuates a message of being fearless. Which is a dangerous way to live. Fear is a wonderful emotion when you have a healthy relationship with it.
Fear allows us to proceed with caution. To tread lightly. To move intentionally.
If you leave the head trash of “I’m too scared” as it is, it’ll anchor you to inaction. And you’ll never discover how strong you really are.
Repurpose this thought into something greater. Your fear is NOT a measure of your capability. So, despite being scared, move forward with courage. Because the only time courage shows up, is when you’re afraid.
Head Trash:
I can’t figure this out.
I haven’t found the answer yet.
“I can’t figure this out.” is definitive. It’s done. You’ve made a declaration that you can’t do it.
So, what’s left?
Give up. Quit. Stop.
But if you repurpose this head trash into something bigger, you give yourself permission to keep going.
“I haven’t found the answer YET.”
“Yet” is a beautiful word because it implies a more positive inevitable. If you keep digging, keep working, and keep trying, eventually you’ll figure it out.
Head Trash:
I’m out of my comfort zone.
I’m expanding my comfort zone.
I hear this one a lot.
This head trash is so limiting and yet it’s flying off the shelves as everyone adopts it to fuel their fear.
I have yet to meet anyone who was 100% out of their comfort zone when trying something new. Because you are NEVER 100% without a sense of comfort that comes from your achievements over past challenges.
Let that sink in.
We’ve all done something for the 1st time. Every one of us. And no matter how old we are we’ll continue to do things for the first time.
Which means we have a tremendous amount of experience in navigating new (even scary) situations. And our comforts from overcoming those experience are always in our backpack, ready to be wrapped around us for a warm fuzzy.
Tap into that rich resource of memory and ask yourself what you did then, that can be applied to the challenge you’re facing now.
You are ALWAYS expanding your comfort zone. With enough reps the borders of your comfort increase, which makes your world a bigger place to play in.
Head Trash:
I doubt I can do it / I doubt it’ll happen.
Although unlikely, still possible.
Doubting yourself kills the heart.
Doubting that something you want will happen, kills hope.
And both kill action.
Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”
So, it’s best to think you can. And it’s best to think that although it’s unlikely, it’s still possible.
No matter the odds. No matter what it looks like. No matter how it feels.
Keep moving toward WHAT YOU WANT.
And don’t settle for anything less.
Head Trash:
I'm not good at this.
How can I get better?
Robert Kiyosaki said, “A question opens the mind. A statement closes it.”
“I’m not good at this.” Tells your mind that you’ve reached your limit of skill. Repurposing that thought into the question, “How can I get better?” switches your mind to assessment thinking and lets it know that you’re not done developing in this area.
Keeping this thought as is creates a breeding ground for inaction. Repurposing it allows you the grace to learn and grow.
Get your reps in and watch how you improve.
Head Trash:
I can’t decide.
I haven’t decided yet.
You CAN decide.
You just haven’t decided yet.
And since your mind isn’t made up, it most likely means that you don’t have enough information to make a decision that you’re comfortable with.
Stop telling yourself that you have the inability to choose. “I can’t…” is an incredibly limiting way to think. The greatest freedom you can experience in life is to live at full choice. Knowing that you do have the ability to make good choices for the life you want.
When you understand that you simply haven’t decided yet, you can ask yourself what more do you need to know in order to make a good decision.
Head Trash:
I'll fail, so what's the point of trying.
I may fail and if so, I’ll learn from it.
Failure is intimately connected to success. And without failure we can never build our resilience and grit.
Try. Fail. Try again.
Rinse and repeat.
Challenge yourself to find more ways to fail. If you have a strong work ethic, you won’t half-ass the task in front of you. But you will find yourself embracing the lessons learned from your missteps.
Failure is always an opportunity to grow. And that’s the point of trying.
Head Trash:
I can’t do anything right.
I do many things very well, even if I don’t always succeed.
You can’t do ANYTHING right?
Nothing at all?
That’s absurd.
Stop lying to yourself and being your own worst enemy. Quit bullying yourself into believing that nothing you do goes right.
If you continue to lie to yourself, you’ll never be able to trust yourself.
Not everything goes the way you planned. But that doesn’t mean that EVERYTHING goes wrong because of you.
When setbacks happen, remind yourself of how many mountains you’ve conquered, pick yourself up, and keep climbing.
So now what?
These bits of head trash are just the start. Train yourself to switch your limiting thoughts into a growth mindset of possibility and watch your resilience grow.
What’s some head trash that you have that I haven’t mentioned? DM me on Instagram and I’ll address it on my IG account.
And don’t worry, I won’t mention your name.
If you’re interested in taking these techniques further, you can schedule a free consultation call with me to see if personal coaching would help you Rescue Your Dreams™ so you can transform your reality.
Click HERE for my Calendly link!
Ever upward!